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BSCS delays consultation on academy conversion

Bradley Stoke Community School

Bradley Stoke  Community School (BSCS) has announced that it is deferring the formal launch of the consultation process for its possible conversion to academy status.

The delay is said to be necessary to give two other schools with which BSCS is considering making a combined academy application time to stage their own pre-consultation events.

In a letter to parents last week, BSCS Headteacher Dave Baker and Chair of Governors Claire Emery wrote:

“… the process of investigation for BSCS started quite a few months earlier than is the case for either Patchway Community College (PCC) or Brimsham Green School (BGS), with whom we are in discussion about converting to academy status.”

“As the Department for Education (DfE) advise that, when consulting stakeholders about a group proposal, the consultation should be carried out simultaneously for all parties involved, the Joint Academy Working Group (JAWG) has agreed to defer the formal launch of both the FAQ and consultation documents in order to incorporate any queries arising from the pre-consultation events at PCC and BGS.”

BSCS first registered its interest in becoming an academy in June 2010, following an invitation from Education Secretary Michael Gove issued shortly after the General Election.

The school Governors agreed to take the next step towards to conversion in December 2010 and held a pre-consultation meeting for parents/carers in January 2010.

The move towards a combined application was revealed later in January when Dave Baker said that exploratory discussions had taken place with representatives from PCS and BGS.

All three schools are said to be currently in the process of contacting other key stakeholder groups including their respective Town Councils, MPs, local community partners and the Headteachers of local primary schools “in order to ensure a wide range of views are taken into consideration”.

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