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Four local groups in line up for Area Forum grants

South Gloucestershire Council

Four Bradley Stoke organisations will be hoping to win a share of a £28,161 grant fund at this Tuesday’s meeting of the Southern Brooks Area Forum in Winterbourne.

A total of 26 applications totalling £43,888 have been received from organisations in the Bradley Stoke, Filton, Patchway, Stoke Gifford, Winterbourne, Frenchay and Stoke Park areas covered by the Forum.

The South West Winterguard Academy (SWWA), which meets at Meadowbrook Primary School and promotes ‘Colourguard’ (a dance based activity using flags and other equipment), is asking for £2,168 to cover the cost of hall rental, equipment, travel and insurance.

Bradley Stoke Bowls Club (BSBC), based at Baileys Court,  is looking for £2,500 (half the annual cost of green and room rental that it pays to Bradley Stoke Town Council) so that it can reduce its membership fees and hopefully attract new members.

Bradley Stoke Community Radio Association (BSCRA), which has recently occupied a studio at the Willow Brook Centre, wants £3,000 to pay for the official licences that it needs to broadcast over a 28-day period covering the Community Festival in June.

Finally, the Three Brooks Nature Conservation Group (TBNCG) is seeking £400 to pay for bee friendly flowers that will be planted in the community orchard behind Bradley Stoke Community School.

All four of the groups have received previous grants from the Area Forum over the last two years, with SWWA getting a £1,250 capital grant, BSBC a £1,500  capital grant, BSCRA a £2,500 capital grant and a £1,500 small grant and TBNCG a £391 small grant.

Council officers’ recommendations are that the Conservation Group receive the requested amount in full and the Winterguard Academy £1,333 to cover hall rental and insurance.

The Bowls Club and Radio Association have been assessed less favourably with £500 recommended for the bowlers and just £375 for the radio enthusiasts, who are advised to “seek support in applying for funds elsewhere”.

Tuesday’s meeting takes place at the Greenfield Centre, Park Avenue, Winterbourne, starting at 7pm.

More info: Agenda for Tuesday’s meeting (SGC)

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  1. “the Three Brooks Nature Conservation Group (TBNCG) is seeking £400 to pay for bee friendly flowers that will be planted in the community orchard behind Bradley Stoke Community School.”

    There’s a community orchard?
    I didn’t know about that. I’ll have to take a gander when it comes into blossom.

  2. Is this public money? If so, looking at the list of those looking for grants one couldn’t help a smile – although not sure ‘smile’ is the right term in times of cut back. Not trying to pick on any in particular but, Wednesday luncheon club?? Bristol Budgerigar Society?? And the Bowls club – why on earth should the public subsidise their leisure activity.

    I confess I don’t know where this money comes from so it’s quite possible my comment is not really in order and this money comes from private funding.

  3. @Jon – I didn’t know about this orchard either. Maybe we could make “Bradley Stoke Scrumpy” and sell it at the Three Brooks to recover the money spent on bee-friendly flowers and flag-waving?
    Maybe we could apply for a cider-making grant!

  4. The orchard’s been there for a couple of years now, and was extended over the otherside of the foot path last Autumn. The group has already planted some wild flowers there, I remember seeing some in flower last year. There is also one of the carved wooden seats there now.
    Not sure the trees are big enough to produce apples yet 🙁 so no scrumpy for a while.
    But this is a public space and is used by many people in BS, so I can’t see any problem with enhancing it with a little bit of public money. Budgies on the other hand…..?

  5. @Dave P – I suspect it won’t be private funding as the assessment officer points out that the Bristol Budgerigar Society would be better placed gaining funding from the private sector.

    I think the assessing officer has made some fairly reasonable recommendations. If overall funding has been made available, we don’t HAVE to use it ALL, but at least the assessments are being made and, as I say, the responses appear well thought through.

    The assessor appears to have a high regard for the luncheon club, so I would tend to believe it is worthy. Some years ago I worked for a charity in Leeds for the elderly and disabled and I can say with absolute certainty that the service they provided was very much needed and very much appreciated. The folks they helped were those that the community often simply didn’t see. I know some may conclude that there are already benefits and council run mechanisms for helping those in need, but a localised approach can often have a different and positive impact.

    I’m not normally an airy fairly, save the world via charities type (I worked for that charity on their IT systems – I wasn’t actually meant to be helping the elderly). I just thought the assessor had done a reasonable job. There’s been a lot of commentary of public funding issues on this site of late (mostly negative) and having read the recommendations I thought I’d say something positive 🙂 (please don’t hate me for it)

  6. Just a quick note to say thank you to the Southern Brooks Area Forum who fully supported the raised pedestrian table at the existing zebra crossing in Pear Tree Road. I was given the opportunity to speak as Mayor of Bradley Stoke tonight and I raised this to the elected members along with all the other Bradley Stoke groups requesting funding from this meeting. The Pear Tree scheme agreement is a really important result for Bradley Stoke, this road and the school and will make a huge impact on the safety of all users, especially the school children, parents and carers. I have been lobbying Conservative Cabinet and Group Councillors for a long time for this to become a reality, and now I’m pleased to see it will be. Thank you.

  7. Interestingly, Mayor Ben made his comments and left the meeting shortly afterwards. If I didn’t think it was such a cynical display of opportunism I would think he was going to stand against me in the forthcoming local elections!!

    Parent Tara Monks was the person behind the new crossing for Pear tree Road and it was she who contacted me as the local councillor. I then worked with her and Holy Trinity School to update their Travel Plan and submit the request to South Glos. At last nights meeting both Tara and I spoke in support of the scheme and the councillors present agreed to support it. A scheme will now be drawn up, consulted upon and implemented in 2011/12; most likely to be installed about this time next year.

    As regards grants Bradley Stoke did pretty well. The South West Winterguard Academy (based at Meadowbrook School) received at least £1500, The Bowls Club at least £750, Community Radio at least £1250 and The Three Brooks Nature Conservation Group got £400. Every group received something (even the Budgerigar Society got £250!!). I say “at least” because at the end of the agreed amounts there was still some money left and councillors agreed to share it proportionately amongst all the applicants.


  8. Hi SH (Editor)

    I can report that the group awarded the Bradley Stoke Bowls Club £750.00,

    The Southern Brooks Community Partnership £3000.00 (Full Amount)

    The Bradley Stoke Radio Station £1250.00

    The Three Brooks Conservation Group £400.00 (Full Amount)

    As ever, there was a huge list of worthy causes requiring funding but a limited pot.

    There was an amount left over at the end of the money allocation as the groups were all initially awarded the minimum amounts as recommended by the officers. The remainder was then distributed to groups which the Forum felt required more. This also left another small amount at the end of the allocations which will be distributed by the officers, which could result in a small increase for Bradley Stoke Radio and the Bowls Club as SBCP and Three Brooks Conservation Group, already received the full requested amount.

    It really was a good night for Bradley Stoke and to see our groups benefit from such funding is a great boost to residents and group users, including the allocation of central government money to Pear Tree Crossing improvements.

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