Bradley Stoke Bowls Club (BSBC) celebrated its first anniversary this evening (Tuesday 15th February) by making a donation of £150 to St Peter’s Hospice, the Mayor’s charity.
The money was raised by club members from raffles and social activities at the Baileys Court club.
After a very successful debut season in 2010, clubs officials say the membership is looking forward to a full season of games, which will this year include a Ladies League team, ‘in-house’ competitions and 94 friendly mixed matches (an increase of 50% on last year).
The club’s main sponsor, the Bradley Stoke branch of Specsavers, will continue its support this year.
Other support has come through grants from South Gloucestershire Council, Bradley Stoke Town Council and Quartet, which has allowed the club to purchase equipment for new bowlers to try the sport without having to purchase bowls etc.
The club says it is lucky to have the services of Grade 2 Coach Mr Jim Gregory (a member of the Gloucestershire Coaching Association). Training is offered free of charge and a welcome is extended to anyone who would like to become a member of the club.
Anyone interested should contact Jim Durlacher on 0117 969 3623 or Val Nicholls on 0117 931 1203.
Photo: BSBC President Jim Durlacher (left) presents a cheque for £150 to Bradley Stoke Mayor Ben Walker, watched by BSBC Vice Chairman Brian Newman.
More photos on Google Photos: album; slideshow