Cheaper broadband for Bradley Stoke

Non-cable broadband users in Bradley Stoke can now get their (albeit slow) internet connections at a reduced price thanks to a regrading of the Almondsbury exchange by Ofcom.

The regulator has moved the exchange from ‘Market 2’  to ‘Market 3’, which means that some ISPs might be able to offer lower prices for broadband services.

BT-owned PlusNet’s Value package is now available for £6.49/month to subscribers on 01454 numbers, a near 50% reduction compared to the ‘Market 2’ price of £12.99/month.

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  1. This is great news. If we can’t get decent speeds, at least now we aren’t having to pay through the nose for it!

    I was already considering switching to Plusnet as O2 have put their prices UP!!