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Meadowbrook Primary School rated “good” by Ofsted inspectors

Meadowbrook Primary School, Bradley Stoke

Bradley Stoke’s Meadowbrook Primary School has been rated “good” by Ofsted inspectors, who visited the school last month.

The team of five inspectors observed a total of 21 lessons at the 401-pupil school, which is located in Three Brooks Lane, off Savages Wood Road.

The inspectors summarised their findings as follows:

“Meadowbrook is a good primary school. As a consequence of the strong leadership and management of the headteacher, significant improvements have been made since the last inspection in developing teaching and learning, and in the establishment of an exciting curriculum. This is recognised by most parents and carers who hold the school in high regard.”

The latest grading represents a significant improvement over Ofsted’s “satisfactory” verdict in 2008, when the school was said to be “recovering rapidly after a period of uncertainty and decline”.

The report praises the “successful leadership” of Headteacher Jon Barr, which is said to have resulted in “a clear, shared vision for the school”.

Inspectors say pupils’ attendance is excellent and they leave “well prepared for secondary school and the world beyond”.

Mr Barr said:

“The last three years at Meadowbrook Primary School have been some of the most exciting of my career. The report tells the story of the exciting changes we have made happen at our school.”

“I am thrilled that our children have talked so positively to the inspectors but not surprised. They had been telling me what good things had been happening in their classrooms for quite a while.”

Tim Williams, Chair of Governors, added:

“Inspectors said the pursuit of excellence is evident at all levels of the school community and I can fully endorse this. Meadowbrook Primary School is an excellent facility providing children with a great standard of education where pupils achieve good results.”

Inspectors say the school should aim to improve attainment levels in mathematics and extend pupils’ appreciation of the range of cultural traditions in the United Kingdom that are not represented within the local community.

All six primary schools in Bradley Stoke are now rated “good” or “outstanding” by Ofsted. The town’s only secondary school, Bradley Stoke Community School, was rated “outstanding” in November 2009.

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  1. Excellent news for Meadowbrook, however the Ofsted report highlights the lack of appropriate challenge for more able pupils. This has been an issue for several years, which unfortunately was the main reason I had to remove my child from the school.

    Good Report, but still room for improvement.

  2. Yes,excellent news indeed for the school. Lets remember what the school was like before and under Jon Barr’s leadership what the school has managed to achieve in the later years.
    We took a risk in placing our child in in a ‘satisfactory’ school but we are very pleased that we kept faith in Mr Barr. He is the backbone of this establishment and his values have contributed to the school and the ofsted rating given.
    As always leadership is one thing , but the staff (teachers) are those that deliver the quality service to our children – well done!

  3. My son went to Meadowbrook as it started to drift, due to the heavy staff churn it sufferred. I would just like to say well done to the Staff, Parents and Pupils for turning it around.

  4. We have two kids at meadowbrook since the Mrs Bolt era when it had really gone downhill. However, we are now very happy with the school and the Good Ofsted report in our view is an accurate reflection of the school. We are very impressed with how the school continually improves and constantly addresses issues raised. For example, the two main criticisms from the Ofsted are already being addressed this term and the report was only made in December! We’re pleased that we’ve supported Meadowbrook and not removed our able children which would have done nothing to help the school and we’ve been rewarded with good, enthusiastic teaching and a school our kids very much enjoy. Overall Bradley Stoke has turned out to be a good area for education with Good primary schools feeding into what seems to be an Outstanding secondary school which is good for all of us!

  5. Yes the Ofsted recommendations about challenging more able pupils in maths do seem like they are being acted on already. My child in year 5 was doing year 7 maths work recently.
    Well done to all the staff at the school all the hard work is paying off.

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