Bradley Stoke Journal.

Census jobs available in Bradley Stoke

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is recruiting for a range of full and part time temporary positions to help carry out the next UK census, which will take place on Sunday 27th March 2011. Full application details are available via and also at local job and community centres. Working within the local community, census recruits will engage with

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Bradley Stoke Fireworks

2010 Fireworks Display to raise funds for St Peter’s Hospice

Bradley Stoke’s ever-popular Town Council Fireworks Display takes place this year on Sunday (7th November 2010) at the Jubilee Centre, Savages Wood Road [map]. As in previous years, entrance to the display is free but there will an entry point collection for St Peter’s Hospice, Mayor Ben Walker’s nominated charity. Last year’s display was watched by a bumper crowd estimated

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