Bradley Stoke Journal.

Council gets to grips with potholes

Local residents are being encouraged by South Gloucestershire Council to report road potholes brought on by the severe weather. The Council has allocated an extra £350,000 to its highways maintenance budget to tackle the problem. The number of staff dedicated to tackling potholes is said to have been increased by 50 per cent and maintenance teams are “working longer hours

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Area forum to decide on £29k of grant funding

A meeting of the Southern Brooks Area Forum this evening (Tuesday 2nd March) will allocate funding of £29,220 to a selection of projects proposed by local voluntary organisations under the Small Grant Scheme. A total of 27 applications have been received, from organisations which include:  Four Towns Play Association (£3,000 for equipment, staff training and publicity), Three Brooks Nature Conservation

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

School admission offers posted today

Letters detailing offers of primary and secondary school places for admission in September 2010 are being posted today (using 2nd class mail) by South Gloucestershire Council. Parents/carers who applied online will be able to view the results on the Internet from “late afternoon” today, provided they can remember their username and password (chosen at the time of application). Popular schools

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Surgery comes under fire from Deputy Mayor over footpath obstruction

Bradley Stoke’s Deputy Mayor Ben Walker has expressed concern over obstruction of the pavement around the recently-erected works compound at Bradley Stoke Surgery on Brook Way. He raised the matter at last Wednesday’s Planning Committee meeting, asking if ISG Pearce – the contractor working on the surgery extension project, had permission to obstruct the highway in this way. He also

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

South Gloucestershire agrees 2.5% council tax rise for 2010/2011

South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) has agreed a 2.5% rise in council tax for 2010/2011. The increase, agreed at last Wednesday’s Full Council meeting, is well below the government’s favoured CPI (Consumer Prices Index) measure of inflation, which registered 3.5% in January. It is however higher than the expected average Council Tax increase for all English authorities, which has been estimated

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