Bradley Stoke Journal.

Appeal to help trace missing man

Police are appealing for the public’s help in tracing a missing man from Bradley Stoke. Paul Molton was reported missing on Friday 30th April 2010 but has not been seen since Tuesday 20th April 2010. He is described as a white man, around 5ft 10ins tall with receding grey straight hair. He has a leg brace and walks with a

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Polling Station Sign (photo by Paul Downey).

General Election battle goes down to the wire

The closely-fought battle for the newly-created constituency of Filton and Bradley Stoke (FABS) has seen Jack Lopresti (Conservative) edge back into a small lead, according to the Electoral Calculus website. The political prediction website had previously given Liberal Democrat candidate Peter Tyzack a tiny 0.15% lead – on the back of the national ‘Clegg Effect’, which peaked after the second

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New bowls club officially opened at Baileys Court

The new Bradley Stoke Bowls Clubs (BSBC) was officially opened on Saturday (1st May) by the legendary David Bryant CBE, three-times world champion and four-times Commonwealth Games champion. Club bowling has been absent from Bradley Stoke’s Baileys Court green for the past two seasons after the eviction (and subsequent demise) of the former Northavon Bowls Club following a rent dispute

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Houses of parliament/Westminster Palace, London [photo by Sir James; licence: cc/by-sa/3.0]

Election “expert” predicts narrow Liberal Democrat victory in FABS

Local Liberal Democrats have been buoyed by the news that a well-known election prediction website is forecasting a narrow victory for their candidate in the Filton and Bradley Stoke (FABS) constituency. The Electoral Calculus website, which claims to incorporate regional as well as national swings in its modelling, is currently predicting that Peter Tyzack (Liberal Democrat) will take the seat

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Mayor calls “Extraordinary and Confidential” Council meeting

Bradley Stoke’s Mayor Mark Forsyth has called an Extraordinary and Confidential Meeting of Full Council on Wednesday 28th April, starting at 7pm. The meeting will preceed the regular Planning Committee meeting, which is scheduled to begin at 7:30pm. The main agenda topic is to “consider and action the recent Council Staff Pay Grading and Restructuring Review”. Due to employee/employer confidentiality

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