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Dog rescued from icy Three Brooks lake

Three Brooks lake dog rescue

Journal reader Owen Richards reports:

A dog was rescued from the lake in the Three Brooks Local Nature Reserve, Bradley Stoke, earlier today (at about 4pm), having presumably gone on the ice and fallen through.

A crew from Avon Fire & Rescue on scene broke through the ice and eventually used an inflatable boat to get to the dog (Morgan, a spaniel).

Photo credit: Owen Richards

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  1. Just a quick note to say it was our dog, Morgan, who was rescued on Christmas Eve. Thanks to the Patchway fire crew who arrived first and did what they could with limited resources, and to the Bedminster crew who had the right equipment and who actually resued Morgan. We’ll be in contact with you all individually in the New Year. Thanks to the Police officers, ambulance crew and Police dog handler who were also in attendance.

    Finally to the guy who’s name I don’t know who stuck with us all the way through and even offered to ‘get wet’ should the need have arisen. I’d like to say thanks in person so get in touch via the Journal if you can.

  2. There’s our tax dollars hard at work. Why didn’t they go the whole hog and get the air ambulance down there as well…

  3. If Scrooge pays tax in “dollars” then its not into the UK’s coffers so why is he concerned!!
    A good story with happy ending.Well done the Emergency Services!

  4. @Ebenezeer(sic) Scrooge:

    I’d rather the rescue services were called to rescue a dog than called to rescue these idiots who jump into icy water to rescue their own dogs.
    After all, we pay for these services to rescue anyone or anything that needs them, and they will do any prioritisation needed at the time.

  5. mmmm not too sure we pay (and yes I am a Bradley Stoke resident so I do pay british tax pounds, tax dollars is a “phrase”) for the rescue of “anything”. Precious resources, need to be used carefully and I am very happy for the rescue of the dog, but had it been kept under control in the first place, £1000’s worth of time could have been used elsewhere. I know for a fact GWAS are overstretched in our area and could not afford the time there, so im not sure the prioritisation argument holds either. Anyway, all done now and a happy ending, but its not the purpose or appropriate use of our highly trained emergency services.

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