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[Forum] Hungry birds at the Three Brooks lakes

I was wondering if you could send out an s.o.s to your readers regarding the birds at the Three Brooks Local Nature Reserve?

We have been to feed them on a few occasions but they appear to be extremely hungry in this cold weather! The swans in particular do not seem to be getting to hand outs of food as the ducks are literally jumping out of the water to get food straight from the hand!

In other areas where it is very cold at the moment, a number of swans are suffering and having to be rescued so if any kind hearted readers could possibly take a stroll to the reserve and help the birds out with some extra food while the weather is so cold, I am sure they would appreciate it!

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  1. Many thanx to The Bradley Stoke Journal for issuing this s.o.s!

    Although many people do remember the the birds at Three Brooks reserve, when we struggle ourselves in cold, nasty weather, the last thing on a lot of our minds is our local wildlife!

    But we can all help in small ways!

    Just by putting fresh bowls of water out daily, some food scraps (pref not bones) or bought nuts and seeds can make a huge difference to to our wildlife….it could mean life or death for them!

    Many people do what they can but there can never be too many people to help our wildlife out!

    Not as if we are over run with natural wildlife possibly needing a bit of help when the ground is frozen and most natural food sources are at a all-time low!
    Merry Christmas all 🙂