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Domino’s pizza store could open in Willow Brook car park

Domino's Pizza

The Domino’s pizza chain has submitted a planning application to open a new store in a converted garage in a corner of the car park at Bradley Stoke’s Willow Brook Centre.

The garage, situated just off the main access road into the town centre site, where the road turns to the right after passing behind the new Poundstretcher store, was originally used to house sweeping machinery for the centre but the planning application now describes it as being “unused”.

The move is likely to raise concerns with the occupants of nearby properties in Dewfalls Drive, Little Pasture and The Green, some of which are just metres away from the proposed shop.

Willow Brook Centre garage

Residents of Dewfalls Drive and Wheatfield Drive campaigned vigorously against commercial structures in the new town centre being built directly behind their properties, as had been proposed in the earliest plans, leading to years of delay before a compromise solution could be found.

Documents submitted with the application state that the “vast majority” of Domino’s trade consists of  telephone orders that are delivered to the point of order. Typically, only 20% of turnover comes from customers visiting the unit, it is claimed.

The applicants state that the store will trade until 11pm seven days a week and provide eight full-time and 25 part-time jobs.

Scott Lahive, Manager of the Willow Brook Centre said:

“This would make better use of the space and provide another well know food retailer for the town. The development of the garage to commercial premises would also be more suited to the Willow Brook environment.”

“It’s a further sign of success and confidence in Bradley Stoke. Harvester has just opened and we look forward to welcoming Boots in the New Year. Domino’s would be another great name for the centre.”

Pizza lovers in Bradley Stoke are currently served by Pizza Hut (next to Aldi) and the Papas Pizzas mobile takeaway. There is also an existing Domino’s outlet at Simmonds View, Stoke Gifford (near Esporta).

Related link: Takeaways in Bradley Stoke (The Journal)

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  1. I guess this will be easier for the dominos guys than trying to get into that little car park in stoke gifford. However, the area is already very well-served for pizzas, I’d have thought.

  2. the garage was never on the original plans that tesco’s submitted, it’s a horrible tin can and should not be so close to houses. It is absolutely ridiculous that domino’s have submitted an application form for this site. The residents should not have to put up with the noise, smell and lights from this building, it’s bad enough in the day when work is going on in there, very noisy!! The tin can should be knocked down for the sake of the residents nearby. Will this be published?…we’ll see!!!

  3. em all id like to is say granted its noisy but with a recession on the cards surely more jobs are welcomed by all. we see constant unemployed chavs etc wandering aimlessly around the willowbrook site if it gives them a chance to maybe go for a job isnt that a good thing and em everyone moans at the site regardless of prospects negativity is constantly thrown in the direction of the willowbrook centre and with regards to the hoodies and yobbos may we ask where are the parents!!! maybe we should all start thinking of the positives and oppertunities the centre is trying to offer bradley stoke !!!!!!!!!!

  4. go stevie g i completely agree it was only the other day i was thinking how difficult the guards jobs are there constantly telling these unruley and no hope teens of bradley stoke the constant and aggressive attitude that they have to contend with is unbelievable. any jobs offered are a good thing and im sure measures will be carried out to ensure there is minimum effect with regards to the dominos site causing grievences to the local residents. i have read many articles this morning all putting the centre and its management down. may i suggest instead as stevie g has pointed out we start looking at the future of bradley stoke and the good local and focal oppertunities it will offer us!!!!! stevie g you da man woop woop

  5. Are “stevie g” and “frankie ferdiand” the same person?

    If not then they must have had the same English teacher at school 🙂

  6. I say its not only the teenagers who need to change their attittudes – why constantly criticise what they wear. I don’t think you would like it if they labelled you. As for hoodies I am 51yrs old and wearing a zip up fleece hoodie right at this moment and my parents are in Bath. What shoold they do about me have me locked up!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Instead of a Domino’s there should be something to keep the kids amused, somewhere in Devon I went to there was a bar for teenagers selling soft drinks and hot beverages, it also had a pool table, perhaps Tesco’s could put something back into the community and sponsor it out of their vast profits.

  8. What about the youth club which is open every night of the week at Brook Way Centre? There is plenty to do for teenagers apart from hanging around in the Willowbrook Centre

  9. “there is nothing for us teenagers round Bradley Stoke to do! ”
    But just what do they want to do? There is a J says a youth club provided for those who want to participate and there are plenty of other clubs etc
    Why is it that some teenagers complain there is nothing to do whilst others are in the Scouts, foot ball teams youth club and so on. The teenagers in clubs etc find plenty to do and things worthwhile at that!
    Seems no matter what is provided some teenagers dont want to participate! And why Julie should we “keep the kids amused?”

  10. I thought they kept amused by gathering around a moped or vauxhall nova in a car park outside a shop that sells alcohol and harassing shoppers to buy them booze as they pass by.


  11. The kids have got plenty to do….there’s drinking, drugs and of course sex, after all Bradley Stoke Community School has their first teenage pregnancy of a girl in year 11 age 15!!!!

  12. Another class act to the centre? ‘NO!!’ there are enough fast food outlets to sink a battleship in the area already, even HMS Hoodie. If the bored and uncared for teens wish to occupy themselves how about a nice big litter hunt picking up all the mess left behind from the existing fast food gaffs. Then a good bit of wall scrubbing and repairs to peoples fences, cars and other property items the oh so bored have damaged in their night time ramblings.

    Also everyone should get a copy of ‘Tescopoly’ and then you’ll understand who runs your town.

  13. Tesco have been ridiculous all along with their plans for the centre, originally they wanted to build the xtra store right on the back of the residents backgardens!
    Tesco are bullies and will try every which way to get their own way. I do feel it is disgusting to want to put a pizza place there, I can smell KFC from where i live and that is further away.
    The town centre has been badly planned, it should have been in place first and then the housing, rather than trying to build the monstosity that is in amongst the houses.

  14. Anyone who has lived near a Domino’s as I have will know that even the 20% of retail customers (and all their hanger’s on) will sit around in cars with engines running with loud exhausts until the small hours and then have donut competitions in the car park after they’ve thrown their litter out of the window. The applicationm is inappropriate!

  15. Town council development meeting at the so called unused garage on Friday 4th February at 10.20am. Three minutes have been allocated for any objections.

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