What’s going on with the traffic in Bradley Stoke? The last few days have been ridiculous!
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This morning was a burst water main on the A38 so everyone was trying to go around it through Bradley Stoke, but clogging up the town instead.
Luckily I got out just before the traffic got too bad and that was at 8:10am!!
Maybe more commuters are driving to work instead of walking or cycling because of the very cold weather and wind chill?
Burst water main at Filton.
Personally I blame cyclists for being on the road, ignoring red lights, cycling in the dark without a helmet or lights and being untrained, unlicensed, untaxed, uninsured and smelly.
Here’s the bulletin from Bristol Water, timed at 7:56am: http://bit.ly/dJDzBK
Bit slow off the mark for Bristol Water there – I went past it as 7.10am … Water and ice everywhere so it must have been burst for a while.
The water main was burst when when I drove past at 20.30 on Tues night and Bristol Water were in situ at that time.
So no, Bristol Water weren’t slow off the mark at all.