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Jubilee Green play park fails to win grant

The Friends of Jubilee Green (FoJG) group has announced that it has been unsuccessful in a grant application for further equipment at the play park on the green.

A message on the group’s website reads:

“Unfortunately, we were not successful in our first ever grant application to Biffa to raise £50,000 for the Youth Structure and flying carpet.”

Biffa’s feedback is said to acknowledge “the potential benefits to be delivered by the proposed project” and agrees that there is “merit in the scheme”.

The group says it is now in the process of completing another application to an alternative grant provider for the same project.

Michelle Dent of FoJG told The Journal:

“With the current economic climate, finding funding for these kinds of projects is always going to be hard.”

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  1. Well done Michelle and the Friends of Jubilee Green for maximising the benefits of this great facilty, which is located at the centre of Bradley Stoke’s Community. South Gloucestershire’s Planning, Transport and Strategic Environment Committee of which I am a member, recently commented that (FoJG) is an excellent example of why community groups like these should be in at the earliest stage as possible on developments such as this. Cllr Brian Hopkinson