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Covey Pre-School rated “satisfactory” by Ofsted

A pre-school in Bradley Stoke has been rated “satisfactory” by an Ofsted inspector, who visited the ‘early years’ care provider in October.

The family-run Covey Pre-School, based at Baileys Court (opposite the Beijing restaurant), has a capacity for 26 children between the ages of two and five and it currently has 43 on roll.

The inspector wrote:

“Covey Pre-School environment is inviting and inclusive for the children who attend. They are safe in the building and well-behaved. Partnerships between parents and staff are good which is significant in keeping the two-way flow of information going for the benefit of children’s welfare needs. There is a good selection of toys and resources for children to choose from, which has some impact on their learning through play.”

Areas identified as needing improvement include the establishment of links with other settings attended by the children, identification of the next steps in each child’s learning progression and ensuring that planning includes daily opportunities for all children to experience fresh air and exercise in a secure environment.

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