Bradley Stoke’s Bowsland Green Primary School has been rated “good” by Ofsted inspectors, who visited the school last month.
The team of four inspectors observed a total of 15 lessons at the 239-pupil school, which is located in Ellicks Close, off Bowsland Way.
The inspectors summarised their findings as follows:
“This is a good school, where pupils make good progress in most of their lessons and attainment is rising.”
“One parent reflected the views of many by saying: ‘This is a fantastic school, warm and friendly and my children love coming here.'”
The report praises headteacher Clare Whitaker for her “drive and ambition”, adding that:
“The quality of teaching and learning has gone from strength to strength under her exceptionally good coaching and mentoring.”
In 2009, the school was in the top 7 per cent of schools in the country for the progress pupils made.
Inspectors say the governing body supports the school well but needs to play a more active role in setting priorities for the school.
Links with people in the local community and with communities beyond the school are not as strong as they could be, says the report.
More information and related links:
- Ofsted reports for Bowsland Green Primary School (Ofsted)
- Schools in and around Bradley Stoke (The Journal)