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Poundstretcher store to open in Bradley Stoke

Poundstretcher - the original value store

Budget chain Poundstretcher has been revealed as the “value retailer” that will be opening soon in Bradley Stoke’s new town centre.

A press release put out today (Friday) by the Willow Brook Centre says the “UK’s original value store” is due to open on Friday 10th December.

The Journal understands that the firm will be occupying unit 6 of the retail terrace, to the right of the Pets at Home store.

“Opening Soon” signs first appeared on the unit on Wednesday 4th August along with similar signage on units 5, 6 & 7 in the Town Square, unit 7 in the mall and unit 1 in the retail terrace.

The Journal later revealed that a Harvester restaurant would be taking the Town Square units, while Boots would be opening a store and regional office in unit 1 of the retail terrace.

Mall unit 7 (to the right of Card Factory) is to be occupied by Ocean estate agents, who will be transferring their business from Baileys Court.

The new Poundstretcher store will bring “over 15 new jobs” to Bradley Stoke and offer customers a range of products that will include electronics, gardening, homewares and bedding.

A company spokesperson said:

“Work will commence shortly on the new store. We are really looking forward to opening and welcoming the people of Bradley Stoke through our doors.”

“We offer great value in these tough economic times, with an extensive range of products.”

Willow Brook Centre Manager Scott Lahive said:

“We’re delighted to welcome Poundstretcher to Willow Brook Centre in the heart of Bradley Stoke. We believe it will be a very popular store with our regular shoppers, and will bring new visitors too.”

“It’s great news all round.”

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  1. God help us. The ‘chav’ image of Bradley Stoke is being perpetuated by the chronic shops opening up at the town centre. Not good.

  2. “Poundstretcher” – Always at the centre of areas on the up!

    Scott Lahive, our wonderful Willow Brook Centre Manager is clearly striving to maintain the “Sadly Broke” tag.

  3. Don’t see what the problem is…. it fits in with all the other chav shops there…. Pets at home to feed the Rottweiler, Carphonewarehouse to get the iPhone, Subway to get dinner, Ladbokes to put the bets on and Tesco’s to get the White Lightning.. what is really needed is somewhere decent to buy hoodies, come on SportsDirect!!!

  4. I think you are all being a bit mean, after all it’s pound stretcher not everything for a pound.
    And if the government are going to keep cutting things then we may all be thankful for pound stretcher in the future.

  5. Well, I guess it’s a step up from the “What!” shop that appeared in Clevedon briefly.

    Not much of a step, tho., it has to be said.

    All we need now is a cut-price booze bargain store for the chavs to get their liquid entertainment, and we’re set.

  6. All I have to say to the moaners on this site about Poundstretcher

    Wake up we are entering a recession again here are the facts.

    No pay Rise for two years for the public sector.
    VAT going up
    Employment will be going due to the cuts.

    People are going to struggle and on tight budgets they will welcome somewhere to help cut their cost of liviing.

  7. Must admit was disappointed to hear pound stretcher was coming here, but there are a lot of low income families in this area, and this would help. I would still like to see a sports direct in the last unit though.

  8. Had an interview with them yesterday, but turned them down due to the place (Kingswoods anyway) being an awful mess of general rubbish, and poor pay, but they said it was due to open on the 20th November, hopefully a new store will be a lot tidier and less cluttered.

  9. to all those who take the mickey out of pound stretcher [chris] you are a idiot its a shop and as for sadely broke if you dont like the image then pack up your bags and move as its people like you that give the area a bad name

  10. To make such a statement with so many grammatical errors is a bit rich.

    Personally, I don’t think it’s Chris who is the idiot.

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