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McDonald’s staff to help tidy the town


Residents are being invited to turn out to help McDonald’s and Bradley Stoke Town Council tidy up the town on Wednesday (29th September) from 10am to 3pm.

More than 20 staff from the McDonald’s restaurant at Cribbs Causeway are due to join Mayor Ben Walker and local MP Jack Lopresti “to target problem areas in Bradley Stoke”, according to a press release put out by the firm earlier today.

By making Bradley Stoke the focus of its annual community project, McDonald’s say they are strengthening the links they have already forged in the town – sponsoring Bradley Stoke Youth FC and supporting the last two year’s Community Festival football competitions.

The clean-up squads will be painting twelve bus shelters, plus cutting-back and litter-picking along a footpath near the lakes in the Three Brooks Local Nature Reserve.

Cllr Ben Walker said:

“The Town Council takes the problem of litter very seriously and I’m delighted that McDonald’s have agreed to help us as part of their national campaign.”

“I hope that other businesses will follow their example and give back to the community.”

Wednesday’s event is part of the Big Tidy Up initiative, Keep Britain Tidy’s biggest anti-litter campaign which is rooted in the community and aims to get local people, organisations, businesses and groups to take action against the litter problems in their area.

Volunteers are asked to meet at the Jubilee Centre, Savages Wood Road at 9:30am. Lunch will be provided between 12pm and 1pm at the Jubilee Centre. Call Vicky at the Town Council on 01454 868080 for more information.

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  1. Sounds like an excellent idea although again during working hours isn’t ideal.

    Perhaps they could encourage the Tesco (smoking) staff to help and perhaps clear all the cigarette ends outside the Tesco staff entrance 🙁 One wonders why Tesco management haven’t spotted this and arrange for appropriate facilities.

  2. Given the amount of KFC and Subway litter flying about the town, I trust the Mayor will be asking those firms to lead the Bradley Stoke tidy up next year.

  3. RE: Tesco smoking litter, apparently the management are amongst the smokers, so that’s why nothing is done about it, there is a bin there but very few cigarette ends end up in there.
    I would have thought they would have more sense not to smoke next to the petrol station!

  4. Obviously my council tax isn’t high enough as we have to accept freebies from a firm that doesn’t even have an outlet here! I hope to see the Town Councilors there…. doing their bit for the community!

  5. I walk past all of this with my young daughters on the way to the centre and THEY ask why there are so many cigarette stubs thrown down around the staff entrance and not in the bin! C’mon Tesco, sort it out – you are not setting a good example by not dealing with this…. These guys represent your company…

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