There were emotional scenes at Bradley Stoke Community School (BSCS) yesterday as the school’s first Year 11 students collected their GCSE results.
Students and parents queued nervously outside the school, exchanging holiday tales as they waited for the doors to open at 10am.
Once the staff had opened up, the students surged in and rushed to find the appropriate desk in the main hall, where they could sign for the brown envelope containing the examination results that would shape their immediate futures.
Numerous small groups of students formed in the hall, with exclamations of “What did you get in …?” and “I can’t believe a got a … in …” to be heard as they shared their achievements.
For the disappointed few, plenty of advice was on hand to help them explore options for future education and/or employment.
Headteacher Dave Baker said:
We are delighted to share the successful outcomes for our first cohort of students at Bradley Stoke Community School; they have set a high standard for the school in these first GCSE results, exceeding targets in the process.
“85.6% of students achieved at least 5 A*-C grades and 66.3% achieved at least 5 A*-C grades including English and Maths. Boys and girls achieved equally well.”
“There were many individual successes including 2 students who both gained 10 A* grades and 2 A grades. We are now looking forward to many of our students progressing to post-16 study in our brand new Post-16 Centre which is almost complete and will be open next week for the start of term.”
The school’s headline figures are significantly better than the estimated 75%/56% levels reported for the whole of South Gloucestershire and are on a par with respected local schools such as Winterbourne International Academy (81%/71%) and Marlwood (81%/67%).
Our photo show six of the top performing students at BSCS (L-R, back row first):
- Jenny Wong (5 A* and 2 A grades)
- Ahmed Hussain (10 A* and 2 A grades)
- Mariana Alkhalil (5 A* and 7 A grades)
- Niall Summers (9 A* and 2 A grades)
- Jess Monks (7 A* and 4 A grades)
- Ed Franklin (10 A* and 2 A grades)
More photos of the scenes at the 2010 BSCS GCSE Results Day can be seen in our Photo Gallery.
Related links:
- GCSEs: What if you don’t get the grades? (BBC)
- Schools in Bradley Stoke (The Journal)
Also in the Bristol Evening Post today: First wave of grades sets high standard for the future