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[Forum] The police’s “ostrich approach” is failing our town

When are Avon and Somerset Constabulary going to realise that the ostrich approach is failing the town? It is reaching the stage where people are now fearing for the safety of their property and their own person if they are brave enough to walk the streets after dark. The published figures are an absolute joke as the meeting last month showed. Maybe a leaflet drop explaining to everyone where and how to report incidents would be useful along with a very visible presence of uniformed constabulary. The licensing of the central pub needs serious review with complaints coming in from residents at all points of the compass surrounding the place and a car park over flowing with what one hopes is all designated drivers (Hmmm). Then the wonderful youth of the area hurling drunken abuse at anyone and everyone with in ear shot. Please can we have some action given we are a sizeable town paying a sizeable proportion of the A&S C wage bill?

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