Bristol Water has issued a warning that hundreds of properties in Bradley Stoke are likely to have their water supplies cut from around 10pm tonight (Thursday 10th June 2010).
The move follows the discovery of a leak on a pressure reduction valve in a 450mm water main in Brook Way, just south of its junction with Braydon Avenue.
Around 400 properties, in Sherborne Avenue, Brake Close, Meadow Way and Foxcroft Close, are likely to lose their supplies during the work, which the company says will last two to three hours.
UPDATE (Friday 7am):
The overnight work on the faulty valve was completed successfully and all the properties that Bristol Water warned might be affected should have their supplies back to normal.
There is still a small possibility some customers may experience discoloured or cloudy water.
Latest information: Bristol Water Emergency News
Hmmmm – where was the warning???? I have only just discovered the water supply has been cut off.
Thanks to The Bradley Stoke Journal for keeping us locals up to date Because Bristol Water hasn’t!
Sorry Vicky was affected by the emergency work. But we DID warn five hours in advance as best we could — via the Journal for a start, on our website and repeatedly on BBC Bristol.
regards, Bristol Water
Jeremy…wny not generic signs ‘Potential loss of water – emergency works’ and the Bristol Water contact number at the entrance to (only) 4 roads (all cul-de-sacs) would have been useful. Come on Bristol Water…what about people not on the internet or who don’t listen to the radio? All credit to you for dealing with it quickly and I know it was only short term, but I don’t think you did the ‘best we could’ to notify people! There were plenty of ‘shirts ‘n’ ties’ on site this morning who could have done a house to house last night (2-3 reps to 400 properties…a couple of hours within your 5 hour advance warning?)
Point taken, Clive and I will pass your comments on. Mind you, in the past when we have used such signs they have simply been removed/tampered with; and we get complaints if we use tannoy vans in the evening. A house to house visit was not considered practicable in the time we had — instead we used the resources available to make the repair as soon as possible.