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Wheatfield Primary School rated “good” by Ofsted inspectors

Wheatfield Primary School

Bradley Stoke’s Wheatfield Primary School has been rated “good” by Ofsted inspectors, who visited the school last month.

The team of five inspectors observed a total of 25 lessons at the 399-pupil school, which is located in Wheatfield Drive, off Brook Way.

The inspectors summarised their findings as follows:

“Wheatfield is a good school. Outcomes for pupils have been sustained and standards particularly in English are improving. These improvements are well founded on comprehensive and accurate self-evaluation which is, in turn, informed by a detailed analysis of performance data and careful monitoring.”

Pupils’ attainment is said to be “improving” and is “above average by the time pupils leave in Year 6”, although the inspectors point out that “pupils are more confident in applying their reading and writing skills than their numeracy skills”.

Behaviour at the school is rated “outstanding” and pupils are said to have “an exceptionally good understanding of a healthy lifestyle”.

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