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Consultation opens on latest draft of South Gloucestershire Core Strategy

South Gloucestershire Core Strategy - North Fringe

South Gloucestershire Council has opened a public consultation on the latest version of its draft Core Strategy, which is the main planning document for guiding and managing new development and change in the district up to 2026.

Committed or proposed new developments in or around Bradley Stoke include:

  • The North Fringe Rapid Transit scheme (shown purple in the plan above)
  • Committed housing developments at Filton Northfield/Charlton Hayes (2) and Harry Stoke (5)
  • A proposed new neighbourhood east of Harry Stoke (E)

A series of documents is available on Core Strategy consultation page of the Council’s website, of which the most readable is the Plain Guide leaflet [PDF, 461KB].

Hard copies of the Core Strategy may also be viewed at the Council’s ‘one stop shops’ and public libraries (note, however, that Bradley Stoke Library is closed for refurbishment from Monday 7th June to Sunday 11th July).

The consultation runs until Friday 6th August and comments can be made online or by post.

More information will be available at a staffed public exhibition to be held at the Willow Brook Centre on Wednesday 23rd June (11am – 3:30pm).

The exhibition will be repeated at the next meeting of the Bradley Stoke Safer and Stronger Community Group at the Jubilee Centre on Tuesday 20th July (6:30pm start).

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