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Vandals strike again at Jubilee Green play park

Jubilee Green Tree Damage

Vandals have struck again at the play park on Jubilee Green just days after a large number of  trees and shrubs forming the final phase of the original Beacon Play Scheme project were planted.

Two silver birch birch trees planted behind the staged seating area at the rear of the park were snapped off within a week of being planted at the end of April and a third tree was damaged last weekend.

Plants forming a new hedge around a patio at the nearby Jubilee Centre have also been pulled up, as have plants and grasses in the moat that surrounds the play park.

Michelle Dent of the independent Friends of Jubilee Green volunteer group told The Journal:

“We are naturally very upset that one or two individuals are trying to destroy the trees and plants. But, we remain focused that the park is enjoyed everyday by families, dog walkers, grandparents, teenagers and the wider community.”

“We will continue to work with Bradley Stoke Town Council (BSTC) and the police to try to find solution to this problem and ask the community to help us look after this park, our community park.”

Michelle adds that the hedge has now been re-planted, the silver birch trees smeared with lard to try to hinder any good grip on the trunks and all the swale grass and other plants in the moat replanted.

Users of the park and local residents are being asked to contact the police on 0845 4567000 if they witness any acts of vandalism, bullying or any other worrying behaviour.

On a positive note, an avenue of fruit trees along the path that leads to ‘Owl Bridge’ and a bed of sensory plants have also been planted and “look amazing”, says Michelle …

“The avenue has apple trees (both eating apples and cooking apples), pear trees and greengages, which will hopefully bear fruit in two years time and there are trees that have been planted in the moat near the sports court that will smell of candyfloss in the autumn.”

“In the sensory beds there is lavender and pinks as well as a type of willow that has corkscrew stems.”

The Friends group reports that it is now through the first stage of its grant application for a youth structure (shelter) and flying carpet (a new piece of play equipment). An expression of interest application has been reviewed and the group has now been invited to make a full application.

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  1. It would appear that Bradley Stoke is fast becoming a haven for vandals! Myself and a large number of other Bradley Stoke residents had large rocks/bricks thrown at or through our car windows last night! So please everyone be on the lookout for a group of about 4 lads in hoodies riding around on bikes in the early hours of the morning, as they are fast becoming a real pain in the arse!!!!

  2. They are almost certainly from Patchway. We should build a wall round our town and take turns to man the ramparts at night.

  3. Jane where about’s in Bradley Stoke was your property vandalised just so others can be on the look out? E.g. Baileys Court etc

  4. thankyou for the warning Jane/Kate, mindless vandalism is definitely something we can all do without but it does seem to be on the rise in Bradley Stoke!
    It would be a terrible shame to see Bradley Stoke go down the same path as some other areas…..prevention always better than cure!

  5. Having asked the local Police, at various levels, to investigate crime in the North Bradley Stoke area, I genuinely do not think they are interested at all. Full of smoothly written responses, but actually do nothing about it. We need Bobbies on the beat, in person on theri feet or bikes, not in writing from a cosy office miles away!

  6. Sorry Brian but I do think you are wrong. I reported an incident myself after becoming a victim of this crime wave and they did take it more seriously than I did myself. They fingerprinted my car and other items related in order to find the people responsible. From my experience within Bradley Stoke I have nothing but praise for the police.

  7. It is a shame that this has happened.
    Without commenting on stupid people trying to bad mouth the police.
    Perhaps the trees need to have guards around them, like the ones in Little Stoke Park. The guards can be removed after a couple of years when the trees are more mature.
    Please don’t guess that these youths are from other areas, it isn’t helpful. If you have proof than perhaps you should share this information with the Police.

  8. Thanks for the sugestion Dave, next time I am visiting Little Stoke Park I will take a look. I totaly agree with your other comments as well. These are the actions of a minority and it is irrelevent what area they come from.

    We (Friends of Jubilee Green) are working with BSTC and South Glos Council as well as youth workers to try to find a way to protect the trees and planting.

    Unfortinutly, the trees have been snapped quite high up as someone has been swinging on them to get them to snap. We have now lost four out of the eight. All of the smaller saplings have been left undamaged (so far) so it may just be a simple case of planting smaller saplings.

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