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New club for leisure cyclists in and around Bradley Stoke

Stoke Cycling Club - Inauagural Meeting

A new club for leisure cyclists in the ‘Five Stokes’ area is holding its inaugural meeting on Tuesday (27th April) at Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre, starting at 7:45pm.

Local resident Brian Bingham, one of three founder members of the new club, says he was inspired to set up the ‘Stokes Cycling Club’ after taking part in last year’s Bristol’s Biggest Bike Ride.

Keen to take part in further organised cycle rides, Brian says he was frustrated to find that the majority of events started in either Bristol or Stroud, with very few being easily accessible from Bradley Stoke.

“… a plan immediately formed in my mind – to set up a local leisure cycling club and since finding out that the Five Stokes: Bradley Stoke; Stoke Gifford, Little Stoke; Great Stoke and Harry Stoke etc., has almost 50,000 population then I guessed that perhaps many of the population would also be interested, particularly as South Gloucestershire and the surrounding areas have some lovely cycling routes in the countryside – what we needed was a Club encouraging people to get out and about and enjoy cycling and the fresh air.”

Brian says he has received fantastic support from the Bristol branch of the Cyclists’ Touring Club, South Gloucestershire Council’s Community Sports Team and Better by Bike.

The club’s first organised ride will be on Spring Bank Holiday Monday (31st May) and is proposed to be a meander through quiet country roads to a pub in Iron Acton, which is cycle friendly and has a large garden for children.

For further details, contact Brian on 07500 352158 or email

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