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Therapy centre access plan gets thumbs down from residents

MS Therapy Centre - North Elevation

Plans for an MS therapy centre and an associated respite care centre on land between Wheatfield Drive and Bradley Stoke Way have attracted more than twenty consultation replies from individuals and organisations concerned about the proposed vehicular access arrangements for the two facilities.

An earlier planning application for the MS therapy centre stated that access would be off Bradley Stoke Way but when a second application for a respite care centre on the same site was registered in February, it was proposed that the two facilities be accessed instead from Wheatfield Drive.

In the latest application, the Moonstone Appeal says that the presence of an oil pipeline running along the north-eastern boundary of the site  makes it too expensive to construct a new access road off Bradley Stoke Way.

The new plans show both facilities being accessed from the end of a cul-de-sac in Wheatfield Drive, which has angered local residents, who say that the road is unsuited for extra traffic, particularly during the opening and closing times of Wheatfield Primary School.

A total of 23 residents and Councillors have lodged replies to the planning consultation. The Governors and Travel Plan Committee of Wheatfield Primary School have also submitted comments. All these responses call on the District Council to reject the latest application, predominantly on the grounds of traffic issues.

Bradley Stoke Town Council has also objected to the plans, saying:

The proposed access to the site via Wheatfield Road will lead to an unacceptable increase in traffic movement through this, already congested residential area, which will be detrimental to highway safety, and have a negative impact on surrounding residents.

South Gloucestershire Council has set a target date of 21st April for making a decision on the plans, although this might be delayed should the matter be “called in” by Councillors.

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  1. I fully support the residents on this matter. When this project was first muted I worked with local residents and got the alternative route off Bradley Stoke Way made part of the planning application. Now, because of the cost, the promoters of the scheme want to dismiss the concerns of the local residents and revert back to their original plan. This is wholley unacceptable and I will fighting to keep the agreed access off Bradley Stoke Way as the only option available.

  2. Jon,
    Glad that you agree with the views of the rest of council. Planning looked very closely into the matter, and as Ed points out in his piece, decided that the new proposed acces was totally inappropriate.

  3. Is an MS therapy centre really going to result in that much traffic? I’d have thought no more that 100 traffic movements per day (how many MS sufferers are there in the area?). Has anyone actually done a study to suggest what the % increase in traffic will be?

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