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International Women’s Day Celebration 2010

International Women’s Day Event 2010

Thursday night’s International Women’s Day celebratory event  organised by Southern Brooks Community Partnership (SBCP), once again attracted a large and enthusiastic crowd to Bradley Stoke Community School (BSCS).

The evening kicked off with performances from the BSCS salsa band and a musical performance from local girl group ‘Raise Your Voice”.

This was followed by an international fashion show, choreographed by Furo Sefia of African Elegance, and featuring some stunningly colourful African and Asian costumes.

The awards ceremony for the Poetry and Photography competition (a new feature this year) began with a moving recital of four of the poems entered, before Cllr Heather Goddard, Executive Member for Communities at South Gloucestershire Council, announced the winners and presented the prizes.

International Women's Day - Competition Winners

Poetry competition

The winners:

  • Young Person category: Danny Williams – ‘Always There’
  • Adult category: Mrs Charlie Walker – ‘A Mum’

Photography competition

The winners:

  • Young Person category: Dorothy Cox – ‘Victorian Daydream’
  • Adult category: Ivan Uzcategui – ‘Energy’

The first half of the event was rounded off by an impressive performance from a group of ten BSCS drama and dance students, depicting the achievements and changing roles of women over the last 100 years.

The interval allowed guests a chance to peruse the information stalls set up in the school’s dining room and view displays of all the entries submitted for the poetry and photographic competitions.

The second half of the event began with presentations of the Outstanding Women’s Awards by Cllr Goddard.

International Women's Day - Award Winners

Personal Achievement Award

Julie Edmondson – for years of work at Patchway Youth Centre.

Young Woman Award

Tiffany Clarke – for mentoring younger girls in singing group, helping with the group and raising money for the recording studio at Little Stoke Youth Centre.

Business Woman Award

Jaci Crocombe and Alison Davies – founders of the Bradley Stoke Matters community magazine.

Carer Award

Jo Garland – Main carer for her disabled daughter , helped elderly neighbour, modest and looks after her family of three sons and a supportive husband.

Brief presentations from Business Link West and Kidney Research UK were then followed by the concluding ‘Step into Spring’ fashion show, featuring clothes from Marks & Spencer and compered by Tracy Francksen of Red Door Coaching and Training.

International Women's Day - Marks & Spencer Fashion Show

Joint organiser of the event Winsome Barrett-Muir (SBCP) told The Journal:

“Last night’s IWD celebration was the outcome of six month’s planning between Southern Brooks Community Partnership and its partners in the community, including Bradley Stoke Community School, South Gloucestershire council, Bradley Stoke Town Council and the South Gloucestershire Library Service.”

“It was a wonderful night, enjoyed both by the audience and those who took part. It was lovely to see so many people coming together to celebrate and be part of community.”

Prizes were donated by John Lewis, Marks and Spencer, Red Door Coaching and Training Ltd, Ramada Grange Hotel – Winterbourne, Aztec West Hotel and Spa, Bradley Stoke Matters and Bradley Stoke Small Business Forum.

Bradley Stoke Town Council, South Gloucestershire Council, Patchway Town Council, Business Link South West and the Willow Brook Centre sponsored the event and money was raised on the night for Kidney Research UK.

Lots more photos from the event: album; slideshow (Google Photos)

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