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Safer and Stronger Group meeting to hear about new Children’s Centre

Safer and Stronger Community GroupThis week’s meeting of the Bradley Stoke Safer and Stronger Community Group is to hear a presentation about the new Children’s Sure Start Centre that is to open soon at Bowsland Green Primary School.

The new centre will bring together childcare, early education, health and family-support services for families with children under five years old.

The meeting will also welcome two new faces in the town: Sharon Petela, the new Town Clerk and Steve Robertson, the new Youth Leader in Bradley Stoke.

The Safer and Stronger Community Community Group, one of 20 in South Gloucestershire, provides an opportunity for Bradley Stoke residents to have their say about the services that the local community receives.

Participants include people who live and work in the area and representatives from the local police, Avon Fire & Rescue, NHS South Gloucestershire, South Gloucestershire Council, Bradley Stoke Town Council, Southern Brooks Community Partnership and other local organisations.

Anyone can attend a Safer and Stronger meeting and raise concerns about issues in the local community. The meeting then agrees on a small number of priority issues, for which actions are assigned to the appropriate authorities.

The Jubilee Centre at Night

Priority issues agreed at the last meeting (held on 27th October) included anti-social behaviour in North Bradley Stoke (actioned: police), lighting pollution at the Jubilee Centre (pictured above; actioned:  Bradley Stoke Town Council) and street cleansing/fly tipping (actioned: South Gloucestershire Council).

Progress on each of the previously agreed priority issues is reviewed at the start of each meeting.

The next meeting takes place on Tuesday (26th January) at Holy Trinity Church, Broad Croft, starting at 7pm.

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