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Jubilee Green play park survey confirms demand for toilets

Jubilee Park Grand OpeningThe results of a survey of users of the Jubilee Green play park have been published by the Friends of Jubilee Green volunteer group.

89% of the 55 people polled said they would like access to toilets at the park and 71% said they would visit the park more often if they had permanent access to toilets at the Savages Wood Road site.

The news reinforces representations already made to Bradley Stoke Town Council, which does not allow members of the public to use toilets at the nearby Jubilee Centre when any of its rooms are in use by hirers.

36% of users think the park is “great”, with the remaining 64% classifying it as “OK, but could be better”.

The most-mentioned positive feature about the park was the nest swing, named by 47% of respondents.

The park was officially opened in July 2009 following two months of construction funded by the Big Lottery Fund, South Gloucestershire Council and Bradley Stoke Town Council.

The Friends have also updated the Projects page of their website to detail improvements planned for the park, which include a “youth space”, a living willow fence, additional play equipment, an orchard and a community garden.

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