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Primary schools’ KS2 results published

Bradley Stoke primary schools have registered another good set of results in Key Stage 2 (KS2) tests taken by pupils in year 6 (ages 10 and 11).

St Mary's Primary School

Best performing school (based on aggregate scores for maths, English and science) was St Mary’s Catholic Primary School with a score of 289 out of a maximum possible 300.

Comparison with results from 2008 show that Bowsland Green Primary School has improved its score from 203 to 278, while Holy Trinity Primary School’s score has dropped from 300 to 233.

All the 2009 (2008) KS2 results for Bradley Stoke schools:

  • St Mary’s Catholic Primary School 289 (296)
  • Bowsland Green Primary School 278 (203)
  • Bailey’s Court Primary School 272 (284)
  • Wheatfield Primary School 267 (258)
  • Meadowbrook Primary School 257 (219)
  • Holy Trinity Primary School 233 (300)

Five of the six schools achieved results above the national average of 247. The average score in South Gloucestershire was 254.

More info: 2009 KS2 results in South Gloucestershire (BBC)

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