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Construction of MS Therapy Centre set to start this month

MS Therapy Centre - North Elevation

Construction of a new Multiple Sclerosis Therapy centre on land off Bradley Stoke Way could start before the end of the month according to a planning document published by SouthGloucestershire Council (SGC).

Planning officials recommended that the project be given the go-ahead earlier this month and their decision has now been confirmed after Council members chose not to “call in” the application before the deadline of 17th September.

The Moonstone Appeal

A letter published on the SGC website reveals that the applicant, the Moonstone Appeal, wants to commence development of the site “before the end of October”, in order to secure grant aid funding.

Planners have insisted that construction traffic access the site from Bradley Stoke Way rather than Wheatfield Drive. This restriction is said to be “to minimise disturbance to occupiers of nearby dwellings” and follows concerns expressed by local residents during the consultation phase.

Permanent access to the site will also be from Bradley Stoke Way, and will be “left turn only”. The Council has imposed a condition that the applicant enter a Section 106 agreement to pay for the necessary highway works.

Information on the Moonstone Appeal’s website says the charity needs to raise £1.282m to fund the new centre, which will be built in two phases. The first phase will provide for the treatment of 450 people p.a. by 2011, rising to 600 people p.a. once the second phase is completed by 2015.

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