Route and timetable changes on X73 bus route

First Group

First Group has announced that the route of the limited stop X73 bus service between Bradley Stoke and Bristol city centre has been extended to Stoke Lodge. The changes come into effect today (Monday 29th September).

The service previously started and finished at Woodlands Lane in Bradley Stoke but has now been extended to the Gloucester Road (A38) stop in Stoke Lodge.

The route is also changing to operate along Brierly Furlong and New Road near Parkway Station to allow buses to take advantage of the new bus link from New Road to Brierly Furlong.

Minor changes to the timetable have also been introduced, which First says will “improve reliability and punctuality” and “see buses departing more evenly”.

The X73 buses run at peak hours on work days only (no service on Saturdays, Sundays or Bank Holidays). Timetabled journey times between central Bradley Stoke (Kemperleye Way North) and Bristol city centre range from 29 to 38 minutes.

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