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Police target Woodlands Lane speedsters following concerns raised at public meeting

Police Newsletter

Bradley Stoke police say they have caught around 40 motorists breaking the speed limit in Woodlands Lane after a resident raised concerns at a Safer & Stronger Community Group (SSCG) meeting in April.

The meeting actioned the local beat team to carry out speed checks in the area, which were subsequently implemented during the last two weeks in May.

Police say they have prosecuted around 30 drivers for speeding offences and dealt with a further ten offenders by sending them on speed awareness courses.

Elsewhere in the town, a vehicle activated speed check sign is in position on Brook Way (opposite the surgery), following complaints made at an earlier SSCG meeting by parents of children attending Wheatfield Primary School.

Other priorities raised at the April SSCG meeting were noise and vandalism during the early hours in Manor Farm Crescent and motorbikes using footpaths, particularly around Saxon Way and Winsbury Way.

The police say they are looking to set up a Community Speed Watch group and are asking for interested volunteers to contact them to find out more details of what is involved.

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