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Trench Lane boot sale re-opens this Sunday

Trench Lane Car Boot Sale

A popular car boot sale that takes place near Bradley Stoke is to re-open for the 2009 season this weekend.

The Trench Lane Boot Sale, held on Sundays on a farmland site opposite the entrance to Woodlands Golf Club [map], will open for the first time this year on Sunday 3rd May.

The site opens to sellers and buyers at 7am and trading goes on until around 3pm. Sellers are charged £7 for a  car or £10 for a van.

On a smaller scale, Holy Family Church at Patchway Roundabout is holding a one-off boot sale on Monday (4th May) between 10am and 2pm. Sellers will be charged £5 for a car and £8 for a van.

Related Link: Markets in Bradley Stoke (The Journal)

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  1. Hi there, can I confirm is thi scar boot held every Sunday? I am looking to do a car boot on Sunday 17th May but obviously don’t want to turn up if it isn’t going to be open! Many thanks, Sam

  2. hi will the bradly stoke car boot sale be on this sunday because was not on last weekend ? hope u could let me no many thanks dave.

  3. Dave, I’ve contacted the organiser and he says that the sale had to cancelled last Sunday due to exceptional weather – the field was very wet. This happens very infrequently and he says he does ask local radio stations to spread the news on such occasions.

  4. Is it mwe or did this car boot use to me on on a thursday as well? is it still on on a thursday has it ever been on on a thursday? can anyone help please….thanks…

  5. I arrived at your boot sale on Sunday 12th July after setting up my stall i was approached by a women who was holding a piece of paper which she said was from the council and told me that i would have to pack up and leave because i was as she claimed a trader, her reason being the fact that i was selling goods which were new and the council rule was no traders , can i say most objectively that i am not a trader , i would estimate that over 60% of what i was selling was old and not new , also what constitutes a trader ? is it a person like the vast majority of your sellers that go to flea markets during the week and purchase goods and then take them to your boot sale and sell them on at a profit , what difference does it make if i buy new to sell or buy old to sell at the end of the day it is all trading. If you insist that no new items can be sold then i request that you stop the sale of plants which are new and all products that fall into this category and also advertise the fact that you do not allow the sale of new goods. Sincerely a very unhappy and long time boot seller.

  6. Please can someone confirm that the car boot will be happening this coming Sunday? (2nd Aug) at Trench Lane Bradley Stoke.

  7. Sorry, but The Journal can’t answer queries about whether the boot sale will take place on any particular date. The event takes place every Sunday between the dates given on our Markets page. The organiser says it will only be cancelled in the extremely rare event of exceptionally wet weather making the field unusable. If in doubt, listen out for announcements on local radio.

  8. Hi i am looking to come to trench lane car boot on the 22nd of august wondering if anyone is doing bread and cakes and if it would be ok to come down sunday morning will i need to book a pitch or first come first serve

  9. hey im a student ready to leave for university!
    i am just making sure that the trench lane car boot is open this sunday… 6th september?
    also do i need to book a pitch or can i just come down!?

  10. I am enquiring whether the Bradley stoke Car Boot Sale is on tomorrow, (6th September) and whether we could take part please? We have mainly childrens toys as well as clothes, books and general bits and bobs, all of good quality. I eagerly await your reply. Many thanks. Naomi

  11. Yes – Sunday 27th September will be the last sale of 2009. There’s more info on our Markets page. Keep reading the Bradley Stoke Journal for news of the 2010 opening dates.

  12. I heard a rumour that this car boot continues for a few weeks at a different site? is that true? if not where is a good alternative car boot around Bristol this weekend – 3rd / 4th October. thanks

  13. hello can i do a car boot tomorrow at trench lane (sunday) or do i go to Westerleigh? Need to know to boot the car up now

    many thanks

  14. Both the Trench Lane and Westerleigh car boot sales are finished for the 2009 season. There’s more info on our Markets page. Keep reading the Bradley Stoke Journal for news of 2010 opening dates.

  15. So, hopefully it should start 4th may. If it’s bad weather will it still be on or will it be canceled? Please reply as quick as you can. Thanks Laura

  16. Just had confirmation from the Trench Lane organiser that the first sale in 2010 will be on Sunday 2nd May.

    If you can’t wait till then, he also runs another car boot sale at Rodford (between Yate and Westerleigh), which starts this year on Sunday 28th March.

    More details on The Journal’s Markets page.

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