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Troublesome Tesco trolleys set for replacement

Tesco Trolleys

Hundreds of defective shopping trolleys at the Tesco Extra store in Bradley Stoke are due to be replaced over the weekend, according to Customer Services Manager Matt Hill.

Wheel locking devices on the faulty ‘shallow’ trolleys have been spontaneously seizing up ever since they were introduced when the new store opened last October.

Over the last week, most of the rogue trolleys have been chained up near the store entrance, with a notice apologising for “the inconvenience caused”.

Mr Hill told The Journal that a consignment of 400 replacement trolleys is expected to arrive this weekend.

Tesco trolleys were also discussed at the recent Bradley Stoke Safer & Stronger Group meeting, where residents complained about the number of discarded trolleys around the town. Willow Brook Centre Manager Scott Lahive was actioned to speak to Tesco about the issue and invite them to attend the next meeting in April.

Asked about the discarded trolley problem, Mr Hill said that Tesco employs a firm of contractors to recover stray trolleys, but added that they can only do so “when they know about them”.

Abandoned trolleys can be reported by phoning the store on 0845 6779088. Why not put the number in your mobile now?

Related Links: Get something Done About It! (The Journal)

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