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South Gloucestershire agrees 3.9% council tax rise for 2009/2010

South Gloucestershire CouncilSouth Gloucestershire Council (SGC) has agreed a 3.9% increase in council tax for 2009/2010, the second lowest in the Council’s short history.

The increase, agreed at yesterday’s Full Council meeting, once again exceeds the government’s favoured CPI (Consumer Prices Index) measure of inflation, which registered 3.0% in January.

By comparison, North Somerset Council looks set to agree an increase of 2.5% and Bristol City Council 3.5%.

Councillor John Calway, leader of SGC, said:

“Our budget is designed to help South Gloucestershire better withstand the tough economic times we are now in and I am delighted that it has got the support of councillors.”

“Local households are expecting their council to tighten its belt, just as they are.”

“This is why we have confirmed ambitious efficiency savings targets and this newly approved budget will increase the amount of investment needed to achieve these future savings.”

“The council has built up reserves in the good times to allow us to protect services during the bad times.”

Locally, the Capital Budget approved by SGC sees the building of an extension at Bradley Stoke Library brought forward to 2009/2010 from later years.

Bradley Stoke Town Council has already decided to levy no increase in its precept for 2009/2010, but the impact of this for local residents will be swamped by above inflation increases from the Avon & Somerset Police Authority (4.5%) and the Avon Fire Authority.

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