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Ladbrokes betting shop approaches final furlong in planning stakes

Ladbrokes Betting Shop

Betting chain Ladbrokes has submitted a planning application for signage at its new shop in the Town Square at Bradley Stoke’s Willow Brook Centre.

The shop will occupy ‘town centre unit 9’ (shown with a red outline in the plan above), which is part of the phase 2 ‘retail terrace’ building and separated from the main body of the Town Square by a bus lane.

Centre manager Scott Lahive recently told The Journal that he expects Ladbrokes to have access to the unit (for final fitting out) in March. The betting shop might then open some time in May, he added.

Town Square Units

The Ladbrokes betting shop can be seen centre left in the above photo. The unit to the left will be occupied by Westworld (mobility and lifestyle) while that to the right (on the corner of the ‘retail terrace’) is as yet unlet.

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