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Food traders to return to Baileys Court?

Papas Pizzas

Mobile takeaway vans could soon be trading again in the car park of the Baileys Court Activity Centre in Bradley Stoke.

Prior to the recent redevelopment of the site, The Chinese Wok van was a regular visitor, but construction activity meant the business had to move elsewhere and the van did not return on completion of the work. It is now believed to be trading elsewhere in Bristol.

Bradley Stoke Town Council (BSTC) has received enquiries from two companies interested in trading from the site – the well-known Papas Pizzas and an unnamed business thought to specialise in kebabs.

The enquiries received a warm welcome at last week’s BSTC Full Council meeting and the path is now open for the businesses to apply for a trading licence from South Gloucestershire Council.

Papas Pizzas is currently operating from Eagles Wood in the north of Bradley Stoke. The van has previously been sited at various locations in the town including Brook Way, Savages Wood Road and Pear Tree Road. Residents’ complaints about noise from the van’s generator led to the business moving from Pear Tree Road earlier this year, despite the support of over 750 customers who signed a petition to allow it to stay.

Santiago Pablo, proprietor of Papas Pizzas, confirmed to The Journal that he is currently in negotiation with BSTC over the exact siting of a potential pitch at Baileys Court. He says he would like his van to be sited where it can be seen from the road and not “tucked away at the end of the car park”.

Mr Pablo said he plans to initially operate from Baileys Court on two evenings a week, though this could be extended if the venture proves successful. The move could take place as early as January or February of next year, he added.

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