Construction starts on new footpath/cycleway near Leisure Centre

Bradley Stoke Way Footpath

Construction of a new footpath/cycleway on the east side of Bradley Stoke Way (close to Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre) has started, following a public consultation on the plans earlier this year.

The new path [map] will link the Pelican Crossing near the Leisure Centre to the end of an existing footpath that runs from Ellicks Close up to Bradley Stoke Way via a footbridge over Patchway Brook.

Once the new path is completed, walkers and cyclists from the Ellicks Close area will no longer need to cross and re-cross Bradley Stoke Way in order to reach the Leisure Centre.

South Gloucestershire Council also hopes the new route will have advantages “in terms of personal security” over the alternative route using footpaths to the east of Savages Wood.

The Journal understands that the works will take three weeks to complete.

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