Meadowbank by-election: latest campaign news

Polling Station SignThe past fortnight has seen two further Liberal Democrat campaign leaflets dropping on the doormats of homes in Bradley Stoke’s Meadowbank parish ward, where a by-election takes place this coming Thursday (2nd October).

The first leaflet describes the Liberal Democrat candidate, Jon Williams, as a ‘local champion’ and leads on a promise to “fight hard on behalf of the Bowls Club and our young people”. It also contains a rebuttal of the claim made in a Conservative leaflet that Mr Williams opposed plans for a Sixth Form at Bradley Stoke Community School:

“Not content with ruining the services and facilities of the Town, the Tories are trying to undermine my reputation over my long support for our local secondary school. If the Tory candidate comes to your door, ask him when he has ever written or spoken up for a sixth form?”

On hearing the news that the sixth form plans have been approved by South Gloucestershire Council, Mr Williams told The Journal:

“I’m delighted that planning permission for the new 6th form building at BSCS has been approved. It has been a long term ambition of mine to see our children have the opportunity to complete their schooling within the town and this will allow that to happen. There is now the disruption of the actual construction process, but Head teacher Dave Baker and the Governors are planning ahead to ensure that there is minimal affect on the running of the school. I am confident that the new facilities will be ready in plenty of time for the 1st intake of 6th form students and I look forward to seeing them achieve their full potential at what is already a high achieving school.”

The leaflet goes on to claim that few of the Tory Councillors on Bradley Stoke Town Council actually live in the town and that many of them also serve on other Parish Councils.

The second leaflet repeats many of the claims made in earlier leaflets and accuses the Conservative administration of being “more interested in making a profit than providing local facilities”.

The Journal is not aware of any further leaflets being delivered by the Conservatives, after their first leaflet appeared at the start of the campaign.

Conservative supporters are most likely hoping that a “significant announcement” in connection with Bradley Stoke’s new town centre development, expected to be made on Tuesday evening after a Special Meeting of the Town Council, will sway the vote in favour of their candidate, Paul Turner.

Candidate statements and campaign leaflets can be viewed on The Journal’s Meadowbank By-election page.

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