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Town Council boosts Ryan’s wheelchair fund

Ryan Abrahams PresentationLast Wednesday’s meeting of Bradley Stoke Town Council saw local wheelchair footballer Ryan Abrahams’ equipment fund boosted by £500.

The Examiner reported in July that Ryan’s mother, Mary, was appealing to local businesses to help buy Ryan a new £4,000 powered wheelchair. The twelve year old, who plays for the Birmingham-based Villa Rockets team, was finding himself outpaced by players using more advanced equipment.

Ryan’s team plays in the National League of the Wheelchair Football Association. The League plays it games at Ketterings’s Arena Sports Centre on five weekends during the football season.

Councillor John Ashe (left) was so moved by Ryan’s story that he appealed to the Town Council to consider making a grant towards the cost of Ryan’s wheelchair. Cllr Ashe explained to The Journal that the Council is normally only able to issue grants to groups (rather than individuals), but despite this he was able to convince his fellow Councillors to unanimously approve an ‘ex-gratia’ payment of £400 to Ryan’s fund.

Cllr Ashe added that he had made a further payment of £100 to the fund from his own company.

The wheelchair appeal has attracted widespread attention, with Ryan featuring recently on the BBC Points West regional news programme.

Ryan’s mother told The Journal that the Caudwell Charitable Trust has stepped in to fund a major part of the cost of Ryan’s new wheelchair under its ‘Changing Special Children’s Lives’ initiative, meaning that the fund is now just £500 short of the total amount required.

Any individual or firm wishing to make a contribution towards Ryan’s new wheelchair is invited to send a cheque made payable to ‘Ryan Abrahams Equipment Fund’ to Bradley Stoke Town Council, 7 The Courtyard, Woodlands, Bradley Stoke, South Glos BS32 4NQ.

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