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Youth-inspired community action gets the pond cleared

Pond Clearance at Jubilee Green

The pond at Jubilee Green, Savages Wood Road has been cleared of rubbish by a team of volunteers from the local community. As The Journal reported last week, the pond had become polluted with shopping trolleys, bicycles, tyres, plastic seats and other debris, making it dangerous for people and wildlife.

The community action, inspired by two members (Mikey and Keith) of the local youth club, was coordinated by Ruth Cornish of Southern Brooks Community Partnership with help from Bradley Stoke Neighbourhood Policing Team and Home Housing Group.

Members of the youth club worked together with families from the neighbourhood adjoining Jubilee Green to collect debris from the pond and load it into a skip. Local Police Community Support Officer Pat Gardener was on hand to help direct the group, which consisted of about thirty people of all ages.

The pond was cleared in just under an hour, leaving the skip overflowing with mattresses, bicycles, an exhaust system, tyres, plastic furniture, computer equipment, a motorcycle, a vacuum cleaner and several shopping trolleys.

Pond Clearance at Jubilee Green

The hard work was followed by a well earned rest with the participants enjoying a barbecue back at the Jubilee Centre.

Lots more photos of the community pond clearance can be viewed in our photo gallery [album, slideshow].

As stated in our previous report, littering and fly tipping can be reported to South Gloucestershire Council’s Streetcare team (Tel: 01454-868000). If you are dissatisfied with the response you get from Streetcare team, you are advised to contact your local town or district Councillor [see The Journal’s Contact your Councillors page for how to do this].

Each home in South Gloucestershire is allowed one free collection of bulky waste (items that are too big to fit in your bin) in any 12 month period, while the Sort It! Centre in Station Road, Little Stoke accepts most types of household waste.

Abandoned Tesco trolleys should be reported to the customer service desk (Tel: 01454-847300) at the supermarket group’s Savages Wood Road store. The company told The Journal that it has a policy of collecting dumped trolleys when it is made aware of them. No comment could be obtained from the Aldi store at Patchway Brook roundabout, whose trolleys require a one pound deposit.

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