In his latest press release concerning the actions of Bradley Stoke Town Council at a Special Council Meeting on 8th May, John Kiely, Lib Dem Parliamentary Spokesman for Filton and Bradley Stoke, claims that “Bradley Stoke Town Council is fast gaining the reputation of the most unhelpful Council in England.”
Following the meeting, Mr Kiely announced that he had written to the Council’s external auditor to complain about the way in which the Council dealt with the Northavon Bowls Club issue.
The ruling Conservative group provided no paperwork nor a report on the financial implications of any of the options they outlined to full Council.
That opposition members did not receive a copy in advance (or at all!) renders this decision ‘ultra vires’.
Mr Kiely said he had copied his letter to the Audit Commission, Freedom Commissioner and the Government Office for the SW.
Tuesday’s press release reveals that the Council’s external auditor Mazars has confirmed receipt of Mr Kiely’s complaint and will now consider whether any action should be taken.
Tuesday was also the deadline imposed by the Council for the Bowls Club to accept the proposed new rental agreement or “that would be it”, meaning that the Bowls Club would have to remove all its equipment from the Baileys Court green and pavilion. No news of a final outcome was made available by either party, but a source in the Bowls Club hinted that a last minute attempt at mediation was being made by South Gloucestershire Council Cabinet member John Godwin (Conservative).
The bowls dispute is due to be discussed again at today’s (Wednesday’s) Annual General Meeting of Bradley Stoke Town Council [agenda] that takes place at 7:30pm at the Jubilee Centre, Savages Wood Road [map].