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Going, going, gone – old filling station makes way for new town square

Demolition of Old Tesco Filling StationDemolition of Old Tesco Filling StationDemolition of Old Tesco Filling Station

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The old Tesco filling station in Bradley Stoke, which became redundant when a new station opened on 7th April, has finally been demolished to make way for Bradley Stoke’s new town square. The Bradley Stoke Journal’s photographer was on hand to record events as the forecourt canopy was dismantled on Wednesday 23rd April.

The town square will be flanked on three sides by shops and offices. The blocks on the south-eastern and south-western sides will have retail units on the ground floor and office units on the upper floor. Planning conditions imposed by South Gloucestershire Council require that these units be complete before the main Tesco Extra store is allowed to open.

The block on the north-western side (attached to the non-food retail units) will include a centre management office, a shop mobility unit and (subject to confirmation) a Council drop-in centre.

Artist’s Impression of The New Town Centre

The town square itself (actually it’s more of an oval), will be available for community use. However, it is understood that it will be managed by The Brook Centre (i.e. Tesco) rather than Bradley Stoke Town Council.

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