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Disruption for pedestrians and buses at new town centre

Notice of Bus Diversions at Bradley Stoke Town Centre

Pedestrians and bus users look set for months of disruption at Bradley Stoke’s new town centre development when a new access road into the site opens on Monday (14th April 2008).

Notice at Bus StopIn a change from earlier plans, buses will no longer be allowed to enter the town centre site during the next phase of construction work. From Monday, a temporary bus stop will operate on Savages Wood Road, at a point approximately midway between the Three Brooks and Savages Wood roundabouts. A notice displayed today at the existing Tesco store suggests that it was previosuly intended to have a temporary bus stop on Bradley Stoke Way, but according to construction company Bowmer and Kirkland, a late decision on Friday by “the council” (presumably South Gloucestershire Council) forced a change of plan.

Plan showing Pedestrian DiversionPedestrians wishing to visit the existing Tesco store will no longer be permitted to approach from the Three Brooks roundabout. Instead they will have to walk along Savages Wood Road, turn left at the roundabout, and proceed along Bradley Stoke Way, before entering the car park of the store at a point opposite the Leisure Centre. Access along the public footpath (currently closed) that runs from a point opposite the new filling station towards Dewfalls Drive will be permitted, but only as far as the opening to Manor Farm Crescent.

* Click on a thumbnail image to view a larger version.

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