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New Town Centre is “The Brooks Centre” (or is it?)

The Brooks Centre, Bradley StokeBradley Stoke’s new town centre, currently under construction around the existing Tesco store in Savages Wood Road, is being marketed to potential tenants as “The Brooks Centre, Bradley Stoke”. The “Brooks” label, pertaining to the three brooks that run through the town, was thought until now to be a provisional name for the development, used only within design and planning circles.

Bradley Stoke Town Council are known to be unhappy with the name, citing possible confusion with other similarly-named amenities within the town, such as the Brook Way Activity Centre.

In a 2007 press release, Tesco announced that they would be “launching a competition to find a name (for the new centre) … early in the New Year (2008)”.

Click on the thumbnail image above to view the front page of the commercial prospectus for the centre. The complete prospectus can be found on the Alder King website [warning: large download, 2.43MB, PDF].

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