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Police issue alert and appeal after THREE incidents of indecent exposure

Photo of the entrance to Stoke Lodge Primary School, in School Close.

Police are asking for help to identify a man who has been following women and exposing himself to them in the Stoke Lodge and Little Stoke areas of north Bristol.

The appeal comes after three such incidents were reported to police this week.

The first was reported by a 22-year-old woman. It happened at about 3.40pm on Wednesday 19th December in School Close, Stoke Lodge.

The other two incidents, reported by a woman in her 30s and another aged 18, both happened in Braydon Avenue, Little Stoke at around 4.45pm on Thursday 20th December.

All three women have described the suspect as being white, in his teens or early 20s, about 5ft 10in tall and slim with dark hair and wearing a dark grey tracksuit.

Officers are investigating the incidents and targeting their patrols in and around the two areas.

Anyone with information which could help to identify this individual can get in touch with police through, or by calling 101 and quoting reference number 5218280124 (Stoke Lodge) or 5218280881 (Little Stoke).

Alternatively, contact the independent charity Crimestoppers 100 percent anonymously on 0800 555 111 or via their anonymous online form. No personal details are taken, information cannot be traced or recorded and you will not go to court or have to speak to police when contacting Crimestoppers.

A police spokesperson added: “Anyone who is approached by this man should call 999 immediately.”

Useful link: Personal safety advice (Suzy Lamplugh Trust)

Stoke Lodge Primary School, which is located in School Close, informed parents/carers about the first incident in a letter published on Thursday morning. The text of the letter is reproduced below.

Letter to parents of children at Stoke Lodge Primary School

We have been made aware this morning that an adult female was approached late yesterday afternoon by a young adult male, who indecently exposed himself to her as she walked around the back of school and towards the Jubilee Centre. The police have been informed and are investigating.

The man is described as in his late teens or early twenties, around 5′ 10″ in height and of very slim build. He was wearing grey sweatshirt and jogging bottoms.

As a precautionary measure and while the police try to identify and apprehend the man in question, we will have a member of our staffing team placed at key entrances to school in the morning and the afternoon until the end of term. We will update you about arrangements after Christmas once we have an update from the community policing team. They are also increasing their presence around this area.

We have notified all other local schools, Bradley Stoke Journal and the Jubilee Centre this morning, so that they are aware and can share as appropriate.

We have not talked to the children today about the incident as there is no desire to worry them unnecessarily. We would however encourage you to discuss it with your son/daughter at home, taking into account their age and maturity and what you feel will be beneficial to them as an individual.

If your son/daughter walks home unaccompanied after school, please do not hesitate to call us directly on 01454 866772 if you would like to make alternative arrangements for them to get home today.

We are in close contact with Claire Fletcher from the local policing team, who have indicated that a community response and vigilance can be helpful in these cases. However, it would be useful please if information shared on social media reflects the wording used in this letter; inaccurate or sensationalist posts can be unhelpful and cause unnecessary alarm. Thank you in advance.

Photo: The entrance to Stoke Lodge Primary School, in School close.

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